Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 8: Clear Conscience - Dealing with Offense Toward Others

Making it Personal

These may be some of the most challenging and difficult steps you have ever taken in your spirutal journey. With with every step of humility you will receive more of God's grace and will be one step closer to experience the blessing of a conscience that is "void of offence toward God, and toward men" (Acts 24:16 KJV). As you work through your list, you will discover there is no joy or freedom like the joy and freedom hof having a clear conscience with God and every person.

1. Make a List of everyone God brings to mind

Is your conscience clear with your family?

Is your conscience clear with your church family?

Is your conscience clear with the lost world?

Is your conscience clear in your workplace?

Is your conscience clear from your past?

2. Seek God's forgiveness

3. Purpose to seek forgiveness from every person you have wronged.

4. Choose your words carefully.

5. Where necessary, make restitution.

6. Pursue reconciliation of the relationship.

7. Face the hardest situations first.

8. Don't stop until you have finished.

9. Determine to maintain a clear conscience.

Take time regularly to let God search your heart and show you any way you have sinned against Him or others. Seek to keep short accounts - to deal with each offense as God convicts you of it.

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